Saturday, September 24, 2011

Lookout Fire

Lightening caused it.  About ten miles south of Prescott, a fire spread, the Lookout Fire. With such steep, rugged, difficult terrain, helicopters would be necessary. Sometimes an opportunity comes along where the community is given a chance to come together to meet a need. In such times, Prescott Pines Camp is grateful to be able – if we can – to be a part of the work.  This was one of those times.  On the day we commenced our outdoor education season with one-hundred-twenty sixth graders from Tarwater Elementary, we were called upon by the National Forest Fire Service for the use of the ball field. Here the helicopter would land and load up with equipment and would be conveniently close to Gold Water Lake to fill up. We were honored to be of assistance to the five crew team of one hundred and twenty personal.  In the middle of owl pellet dissection or debriefing team building, we would stop and wait for the helicopter to fly overhead. On their history hike to the lake, the students were even able to see the water retrieval. What an exciting week it has been here at camp!  It sounds as if the fire has been well contained and was restricted to the forest area for which we are thankful. Check out the pictures!

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